Ansel Adams once said:
“Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs.”
Photography holds a lot of power, for good or bad, but the side of taking pictures that doesn’t get talked about much is taking pictures thoughtfully. Anyone can take a picture of anything, but a story that is told for a reason is the one that will influence people the most. Think about what a photo will mean to you, look for shots that show others what you saw when you took the picture. It’s better to get one good photo with a story than a thousand with none at all.
At first it will be harder, but with practice you will learn how to be a story-telling photographer. Best way to do it is start simple and with things you know. For example: look for what brings people joy, it can be something as small as a kid watching an ant work, or the way the sun reflects off water after a rain.
The camera may capture the scene you see, but you will capture the life inside the story that others will see.