Having just been introduced (previous post) I thought I’d take this chance to sneak in a  couple of photos from one of my previous trips. This story is from my latest trip taken, (to Latin America) and is still one of my favorite’s.    -Lynette

When I  first arrived at the orphanage this little girl was terribly afraid of everyone, our guess was because she’d been abused, but we didn’t know for sure. She flinched whenever anyone came close or moved to quickly, and she had little muscle tone for her age, barely even able to hold up her head. One of her legs was shorter, which probably accounted for some of her physical inability, but not all her fears. It was heart breaking to think of what she’d probably gone through for one so little and young.

Baby smileless


It took a bit,  but after a few weeks at the orphanage and a lot of love, (and rice)  she’d improved so much it was an incredible difference. It was a joy to watch her open up like a blossom and begin to trust people and move around the room, and one day she thrilled me from tip to toe when I asked her a question and she smiled and replied happily, “si!” That was the day I took this photo:

Smiley Girl_2-2

Making a difference for someone isn’t always this clear or rewarding, but for those of us in the baby house we will always look back to this one time at an orphanage in Central America…